Studio NMO

Studio NMO is the workspace of Creative Director & Designer, Nima Falatoori — a specialist in brand and graphic identity.

With over 25 years experience at the forefront of the design industry, Nima produces unique creative solutions that truly connects brands to audiences.

To learn about my process, role or for more in-depth case studies, get in touch

Studio NMO

Studio NMO is the workspace of Creative Director & Designer, Nima Falatoori — a specialist in brand and graphic identity.

With over 25 years experience at the forefront of the design industry, Nima produces unique creative solutions that truly connects brands to audiences.

To learn about my process, role or for more in-depth case studies, get in touch.

Identity Design
Studio NMO (2024)

Strategy, TOV & Identity Design
Studio NMO (2024)

Identity Design
Studio NMO (2023)

The Pursuit Of Pleasure
Creative Direction & Identity Design
Studio NMO (2023)

Aleph Foundation
Identity Design
Studio NMO (2023)